
28 Aug 2019

Contractor Management in PEMAC Assets

What is Contractor Management Software?

Contractor Management often requires the implementation of a system that can manage contractors’ health and safety information, permit issuing, training programs and specific documents that relate to each individual.

Contractor Management in PEMAC Assets

The latest release of PEMAC Assets fully embedded the Contractor Management capabilities of PEMAC Care into PEMAC Assets as a new Module. This new optional module means our customers no longer need to look to separate products to address maintenance management requirements & to protect the Health and Safety of Staff and Contractors. A big gain with this module is linking Contractor information with work orders, requests and routines applied to equipment and assets contributing towards a more streamlined, leaner operation.

Contractor Management in PEMAC Assets enables you to have one central location for all approved contractors and to actively manage this list, enabling you to authorise qualified and compliant visitors on to site in a controlled manner. The system will notify Security, contains an interactive Calendar and can be operated in a self-service mode for Contractors to complete their relevant documents ahead of visiting your premises.

The intuitive workflow is designed to ensure that; you have 100% visibility of all contractors on site, that the correct method statements and insurances are in place, the required skill levels are met, appropriate inductions have been received and permits to works issued. PEMAC Assets also allows you to create risk assessments, identify hazards, introduce control measures and run audit reports, all in one simple web-based paperless system.

Speak to us today for further information on Contractor Management in PEMAC Assets. We’d be happy to arrange a demo.

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