
13 Dec 2019

Let's Get ready To Trade Mark

Let's Get ready To Trade Mark

Trade Marks in particular are indicators of origin and can include anything from words, sounds, logos, colours or a combination of them all. As long as your mark is not offensive, misleading, commonplace or non-distinctive, it can be registered.

For decades now, there has been a misconception regarding trade marks. The common belief is that trade marks can only be used by brands, but this is now not the case. Celebrities have begun registering trade marks that have to do with their personalities and their stardom.

Reality TV stars like the Kardashian family have amassed a staggering 716 trade mark applications to their name; including “Keeping Up With The Kardashiansâ€', “Kimojiâ€', “Yeezyâ€', “Kylie Cosmeticsâ€' and they have even registered their children's names.

For more information listen to our podcast Episode #2 - Introducing Trade Marks

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