
04 Jun 2020

Shifting focus - Interview with Maintec Exhibitor UE Systems’ Christopher Hallum

UEMark Sennett spoke to UE Systems’ Christopher Hallum to find out how the company is responding to the market shift towards digitalisation, the need for increased equipment availability, and its presence at Maintec later this year.

For over 40 years UE Systems has been a leader in ergonomically designed portable ultrasound devices. Primarily employed for leak detection, mechanical analysis and electric inspection, use of these instruments can result in huge savings through premature failure detection, reduction or even elimination of downtime, increased productivity and reduced overall replacement costs.

In common with many sectors, industrial maintenance has recently seen a shift towards UE Directordigitalisation and, according to Christopher Hallum, UK and Ireland Manager at UE Systems Europe, that is something reflected in the company’s latest product offering.

“Traditionally UE Systems has manufactured handheld ultrasound devices, but over the past few years, with the Industrial Internet of Things and the need for remote monitoring of critical assets we have started to focus on online systems as well. Industries can fix our equipment to their assets and then remotely monitor them 24/7, without having to have an inspector go out to collect data.”

He continues: “It’s a key way of being able to identify and monitor those critical assets. If there’s any change in the status of the asset it can be seen very quickly, hopefully making it possible to remedy any potential issues before they become serious.”

While the development of online systems is key for the company, as Chris points out, there is of course still a very important role for handheld devices in situations where it is not possible to use ultrasound technology as a remote tool, for example in some energy saving and condition monitoring applications.

Pandemic effect

It’s almost impossible to talk about any area of industry at the moment without looking at the seismic ripples of the coronavirus, and industrial maintenance is no exception, touching as it does on so many other sectors. As a company, UE Systems looks well set to weather the storm, although Chris has inevitably seen changes due to the UK lockdown, social distancing measures, and the changed priorities of some manufacturers.

“As a company we’re doing fine, we are still supporting our current users, but there are a lot of projects that were in the pipeline just before the coronavirus hit, and of course, when these sort of things happen, it puts a big hold on budgets – and a big hold on projects.”

Despite some investments being temporarily suspended, the importance of the maintenance sector has never been more vital. While it might not be the right time to replace equipment, maintaining existing assets is crucial, something Chris certainly advocates.

“Many sectors these days talk about improving reliability, but in my opinion, looking at it from a site maintenance manger or an engineering manager’s point of view, the important thing at the moment is to improve availability. If we can improve the availability of our assets then we can keep production at as high a level as possible.”

Currently, this is particularly pertinent to the online retail sector, which is seeing a huge increase in demand, placing strain on the infrastructure. As Chris points out, using ultrasonic technology here can help improve uptime and availability of those assets that are vital in getting products out of the factory door and to the end user.

“With ultrasonic technology we can carry out specific maintenance tasks to improve that vital availability, helping ensure the asset is ready to work when it is needed – and that is key right now,” he says. “Once potential problems have been found and root-cause analysis carried out, that can be remedied further down the line, but it is the availably that is really key to make sure production is at the necessary level now.”


UE systems are a regular exhibitor at Maintec, and this year will be no exception. So what is it about the event that keeps the company coming back?

“Maintec is one of the few events in the UK that is actually promoted as a ‘reliability’ based event. And reliability-centred maintenance is something that’s ever growing within industry,” says Chris. “Visitors from different industry come to the event because they want to understand how they can go about improving the reliability and the availability of the assets on their sites. It’s an opportunity for us to share our knowledge of the technologies, and how they can be of benefit.

“Sometimes we will talk to the people who visit the stand and they want to make these improvements but they just don’t know how to go about it, so it’s great to be able to impart that sort of knowledge, advice and support while we are at the event.”

This year visitors will be able to see first hand the product lines manufactured by EU Systems and how they can be used in different applications across a whole range of sectors. Chris hopes that the live demonstrations will really help people get a proper ‘feel’ for the technology, and an understanding of how the technology works and the benefits it can bring.

UE Systems Europe will be exhibiting on stand 53 at Maintec on 4-5 November 2020 at NEC Birmingham. To register for your free pass visit

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