
04 Jun 2020

TakeAIM - Equipment Inspection app

Since the outbreak of COVID19 businesses around the UK have been seeking new procedures and work practices to help minimise the risk of infection and with lockdown restrictions beginning to ease, more and more companies are beginning to return to work.


One area that cannot be ignored is that of equipment inspections and maintenance procedures, to ensure the equipment remains safe to use and meets the relevant regulations such as PUWER, LOLER and WAHR. Historically this would include using pens and paper checklists to complete inspections before handing completed forms in to the office as part of their audit trail.

With such a large emphasis on minimising the sharing of tools/equipment and interactions between employees, combined with a focus on personal hygiene and social distancing, the TakeAIM app can help in a number of ways:

Management is able to set up an account and register their inspectors, linking them with assets they need to inspect. The maintenance team can then download the app to their own phones, and access their checklists to complete. Unlike the paper system, this has the added benefit of allowing photos to be attached during the inspection if concerns are identified, each step of the inspection is also timed to ensure the work is being carried out thoroughly. Upon completion the checklist is signed, dated and uploaded to the company dashboard where management has instant visibility of the findings.

In addition management are able to view trends in data to help plan future maintenance requirements and to identify any missed inspections, they are also emailed a notification if an advisory or major fault has been registered – allowing them to make instant decisions on how to remedy the situation, all of which help save time and money whilst limiting the need for face to face meetings or handling of paperwork.

As businesses prepare to return to work, now is a perfect time to test the system with a one week free trial to discover the benefits for themselves, simply register at for more information.

Also find out more here

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