
23 Oct 2019

Valuekeep Mobile News: filters, push notifications and customizable user fields

Valuekeep, a company specialized in developing maintenance management solutions, has just announced the release of a new version of their mobile maintenance management solution for the Android, iOS and Windows 10 operating systems, which boosts efficiency by simplifying and accelerating maintenance operations in the field. 

The main new feature of the new version of Valuekeep Mobile is the support for push notifications. The application sends notifications related to the four modules of the mobile solution (Work Report, Work Management, Asset Management and Maintenance Request), as a warning for users about requests for intervention, new work orders and transitions of operation states, sending them push notification every time there are developments.

The Work Management and Maintenance Request modules have been enhanced with yet another feature that allows you to define and save the filters required to search for Work Orders, Issues and Events. The improved filters feature - already released in the Work Report module - now allows you to save your filters to be used again in the future, substantially reducing the time required for this operation.

In this new release, Valuekeep also introduced the ability to view and edit work order user fields (*) in the Valuekeep Mobile and Work Report modules. Users can now use their mobile device to access and enter information related to custom user fields in the web version.

Valuekeep's software solution is constantly evolving to reach the goal of boosting the efficiency and productivity of maintenance departments for companies.

Learn more about the Valuekeep maintenance management solution.

With Valuekeep cloud software, you can deal with processes quickly and ensure the maintenance of your equipment wherever you are. This platform guarantees real-time monitoring and control of maintenance-related costs. 

* only available for Universe subscription customers.

Would you like to know more about these and other features?

Book a free demo today to see the Asset Management, Maintenance Request, Work Management, and Work Report, all included on the add-on Valuekeep Mobile.

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