SMEW 2024


Digitalization and Optimization in the Aviation Operations Ecosystem

05 Jun 2024
Industrial Data & AI Theatre

With so much inbound and outbound data cycling through an aviation operation daily, it is easy for operators to get “lost in the weeds” in maintaining safety and compliance standards. Therefore, an operations leaders must take a step back to look at the larger picture – to understand the cause and effect of pain points throughout the whole aviation industry.

As many operations are forced to cut costs, workers are increasingly being given more tasks and responsibilities with less resources. What’s often missing in these scenarios is the right data and the right tools to interpret that data. Data analytics and digital processes are changing the way Warehouse, Supply Chain, Manufacturing, Repair and Overhaul optimization, sustainability and safety is viewed and addressed. By using data to drive process optimization and efficiency improvement, operators can increase their output efficiency and reduce re-work with consideration for worker health and well-being. The aerospace and defense sectors, however, have leaned toward a “wait and see” approach to digital transformation – but the time to modernize is now.

Please join us to learn more about how to leverage the data that aerospace OEM and MRO operations already have available to unlock these efficiencies. We will explore how this has been proven in other industries globally, and using similar best practices can be applied to use cases in Aerospace. What are today siloed systems, tomorrow will be driving digital transformation enterprise-wide to integrate critical asset performance data, automate workforce intelligence, and operationalize site process analytics to increase productivity and asset uptime, reduce maintenance and labour costs, and create predictable outcomes.

Matthew Emery, Sr Manager ISC Project Management - Honeywell
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